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Psychic Readings

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What is a Psychic Reading?

A psychic reading will give you insight to a person's feelings, or to a situation, showing you options that are appearing now and in the future, to help you make informed choices.  There are different types of psychics, and some may have several gifts, while others may be focused on one ability, or in one area (such as a Love Intuitive).  Our Psychic Specialists include Empaths, Clairaudients, Clairvoyants, Clairsentients, Clairgustants, Clairsalients, Claircognizance, Astrologists, Numerologists, Automatic Writers, Channelers, Aura Readers, Astral ProjectorsPsychometrics, Telepaths, Mediums and Diviners (who use tools for divining such as the Tarot, pendulum, Celtic Ogham, runes, stones, scrying, I-Ching, or crystal ball, etc.).

How do I prepare for a psychic reading?

Which type of psychic reading do I need?

What are the different types of psychic abilities?

Shouldn't psychics use their gifts for free?


How do I prepare for a psychic reading? 
The reading will be more focused if you are prepared.  If you are looking for a general reading, then all you'll need is to be calm and have paper and pen available to take notes.  If you are looking for answers to questions or dream interpretation, etc., then make a list of the questions or topics you want to cover in your reading.  Be sure to take notes, and write the time of your reading, the date, the name of your psychic and their extension number at the top of the page for later reference.  When you are well-prepared, you save a lot of time on the phone, which makes your reading less expensive.  A good psychic is the messenger and/or healer, can read through high emotional states such as fear, anger, distrust, hurt/pain etc., but it is much easier for them to read when the energies are less erratic; you'll notice that those energies will become more balanced during your reading.
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Which type of psychic reading do I need? 
Choose a Psychic Specialist tailored to your needs.  For example, if you want to know how someone is feeling about you, or your love relationship, choose an Empath that focuses on love and relationships; if you wish to speak with someone who has passed, choose a Medium or Channeler; but if you need to know how your pet is feeling, you would want to contact an Animal Psychic.  
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What are the different types of psychic abilities? 

Animal Intuitive and Animal Whisperer (Pet Psychic/Animal Empath) - This is the empathic ability to read animals.  Some pet psychics may also have the ability to make telepathic suggestions to your pet; these psychics are known as Animal Whisperers. 
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Astral Projector and Remote Viewer (Psychic Spy) - Astral projection is a deep meditative state in which an OBE (Out-of-Body-Experience) is experienced.  The Psychic projects their own consciousness into their astral body to observe and gain insight into your situation, or to remotely view a person or place.
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Astrologists or Psychic Astrologists - Astrology is the study of the relationship between earthly events (and/or living things) and astronomical phenomena, and does not require psychic abilities.  Astrologists use charts based on the mathematical positions of stars and planets in relation to earthly events and births, etc.  They study the influence of those positions in relation to the subject of their chart.  A Psychic Astrologer does those things along with using their psychic gifts to provide further accuracy, and to enhance their reading.
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Aura Reading - This is the psychic ability of reading the luminous, subtle energies that emanate around living things.  Auras are bodies of electro-magnetic energy of coronal discharges, and they contain a huge reservoir of information.  This type of reading will tell you about past and present, it is not a method to read the future.
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Automatic Writer - This is the psychic ability to write directly from the psychic's subconscious or from a external, spiritual source.
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Channeler - This is the psychic ability of mediumship in which the Medium acts as a Channel (or physical host) for an outside intelligence (usually an Angel or a deceased person).
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Clairaudience - This ability enables the psychic to hear words and sounds from the spiritual realm.  They may hear Angels, Saints or people from the other side.
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Claircognizance - This is the psychic ability of knowing something with no apparent reason.  For example, someone who can suddenly speak another language, but has never studied.  It can also be seen as mind-reading, like when a psychic answers a question you were thinking of asking, but didn't.
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Clairgustance - This (sometimes unpleasant) psychic ability allows the psychic to taste something that another person is eating.
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Clairsalience - This (sometimes unpleasant, but usually very pleasant) psychic ability allows the psychic to smell the scents surrounding the subject, or scents that spirits send to identify themselves.  For example if your Grandmother always wore a particular perfume, the psychic may smell her scent.  Your Grandmother would use this identifier if she knew that you connected her with this perfume.  Most likely you have experienced this when thinking of someone who has gone home to Heaven.  It is their way of letting you know that they are still beside you.
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Clairsentients, Clairempathic or Psychic Empaths - Clairsentience is the empathic psychic ability to receive information based on the subject's feelings and emotions.  These psychics can let you know how someone feels and/or what is causing them to behave in a particular way.  For example, if you want to know why someone suddenly stopped contacting you, an Empathic Psychic could tell you what the emotions are and if they are missing you, plus, based on the subject's current feelings, the likelihood of future contact.  All of our psychic specialists have this gift, along with their other psychic gifts.
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Clairvoyant - This gift is to see things psychically, in the mind's eye.  Clairvoyants see the past, and events that are coming on your life path.  This knowledge helps you make informed decisions because armed with this information, you can choose which path you would like to follow.
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Divination - This literally means, to see by God's divinity, through ritual, reading omens or using tools.  There are probably as many methods of divination as there are diviners.  You may have heard of dowsing, a method used to find water or other objects that are hidden, lost or underground.  Many expectant mothers have been dowsed by placing their wedding ring (or a needle) in a thread which is then hung over their womb, to determine the gender of the child inside.  Another common method of divination is Psychometry, which is reading the psychic imprint left on an object, such as jewelry or keys.  A few other methods would be card reading, using a pendulum, crystal ball, water scrying or runes, etc.
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Medium - This is a psychic with the ability to communicate in the higher frequencies and vibrations of the spirit world.  Psychic Mediums can see, feel and/or hear spirits, some mediums may also experience the spirit's sense of smell and taste.
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Numerology - This is the science related to the symbolism of numbers.  Numerologists, who may or may not be psychic, can tell a great deal about someone's vibration rate and frequency based on converting and calculating important data, such as your name or birth date, etc.
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Telepathy - This is psychic communication.  Telepathics send messages to the subject.  For example, if you wish to lose weight, a telepathic could "whisper" a message that you love walking, or that you love eating healthy to your subconscious.  
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Shouldn't psychics use their gifts for free?
Psychic gifts are not the only gift that God bestows upon us.  Some are born to be great writers, some musicians, some are actors, fashion designers, doctors, accountants, painters, plumbers, carpenters, athletes, etc.  There was a Carpenter that lived about 2000 years ago who earned his living, and fed his family by sharing his gift, and did so without guilt, and because he was such a great man, God chose him as the foster-father of His son.  That man is St. Joseph (and his feast day is March 19).  Have you ever paid to have your taxes done, attend a sporting event, concert or movie; have you ever paid for a meal prepared by a chef in a restaurant?  Then you have helped support the person who was sharing their gift from God.  I doubt very much that God intended the recipient of His gifts to be homeless and hungry, because if that were the case, Churches wouldn't ask for a tithe, nor would those working in a service capacity for Our Lord receive compensation (which they use to take care of their families).  If you read about the ministry of Jesus (New Testament, choose any one of the four gospels), you can see that Jesus and his Apostles were fed in the homes of the cities He ministered.

Many psychics do a lot of pro bono work, and we love helping others.  Our job is difficult, and at times very taxing because we take on the pain of the world. Whether or not you choose to speak with a psychic, please know this:
God always creates beauty out of our sorrows and pain.

 A Psychic's job is merely to help heal the world, one heart at a time. 
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